How to Deal With Bad Dreams

How to Deal With Bad Dreams

How To Deal With Bad Dreams: A Free Guided Journey & PDF Are you suffering from nightmares? Do you have bad dreams? Do you experience night terrors? Are you looking for a way to overcome bad dreams and reclaim your sleep? You’re not alone. What I’ve...
Dreams About Guns: Wielding Power

Dreams About Guns: Wielding Power

As we all react to yet another act of senseless violence in our schools, the issue of guns in America once again rises to the top of our minds. There are so many different lenses through which we can understand these issues, and truly I think no perspective is more...
Dreams of the Dead (Video)

Dreams of the Dead (Video)

Have you ever had a dream about someone who has died? In this short video, I explain how you can understand these dreams and even use them in your grieving/mourning process.  Do you have a dream of someone who’s died that you’d be willing to share?...
How to Deal with Hard Feelings in Dreams (Video)

How to Deal with Hard Feelings in Dreams (Video)

With all my talk about the connection between dreams and love and how we can use our dreams to connect back to our hearts, I realize that some people may be feeling a bit puzzled, since a lot of dreams have content that is not so warm and fuzzy. Difficult feelings and...
The Birth of a New American Dream

The Birth of a New American Dream

The time has come for a new American Dream, since the one we have been dreaming together has become a nightmare. We dreamt of free speech and we got hate speech. We dreamt of the pursuit of happiness and we got students armed with guns killing other children. We...
The Precious Gift of Nightmares

The Precious Gift of Nightmares

This time on earth is filled with a sense of crisis—it truly feels like an apex of pain and violence and suffering. In this sense, it doesn’t feel like a stretch to say that it can feel like we are living in a collective nightmare. Sometimes it feels like society has...