Are you looking for online dreamwork, dream therapy or Natural Dreamwork with Kezia Vida? You’ve come to the right place!


Get my Daily Dream Pages, a unique dream journaling format that will quickly and efficiently demonstrate a whole new way of connecting with your dream knowledge. Or, if you are struggling with challenging, recurring, or ‘bad’ dreams, click on my free guided journey that will give you the tools you need to glean the wisdom from those dream states. 

READY TO GO DEEPER? Check out my 1 on 1 offerings by clicking here!  

Ready to Kickstart Your Dream Practice?

Then you need a powerful dream journal. The Dreaming I a unique and interactive journal that helps you realize your dream practice goals through a unique 3-pronged approach of RECORD, EXPLORE, & REFLECT.

Latest News

Awakening the Inner Dreamer

Awakening the Inner Dreamer

Browsing social media or the news, it can be easy to start feeling like the world today is a living nightmare. But as a dreamworker, the nightmares that live inside of us are as vivid as what’s outside. The oppression, degradation, terror, and abuse that we find so...

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Dreams About Cars

Dreams About Cars

Do you have dreams about cars? Do you have dreams about brakes going out of control? Do you want to know what dreams about parked cars mean? Or when you dream about a new car? What about if you dream of being a passenger in a car? In this video, I will explain what it...

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What Do My Dreams Mean? You Know Best!

What Do My Dreams Mean? You Know Best!

I may be talking myself out of a job here, but if you are wondering what does my dream mean, what do my dreams mean, or you are looking for dream interpretation--you must look within first. It's really important to reflect internally on what your dream might mean so...

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Dreamwork is work for a brave heart and a good guide is so important. For over a year I’ve found myself working with Kezia- and with is an important distinction. Slowly I’ve found an intelligence, bravery and compassion within myself that I never saw in quite the same way. It’s been a tough year in my life, and I’ve found the strength to move through my struggles gently and honestly. I’m not sure how I would have done this without our work together. Kezia meets this work with compassion, humor and a seriousness that is both supportive and challenging. 
Brennan Dougherty