Bad Dream; Good Medicine workshop

Your bad dreams do not come to cause you harm.

Your dreams bring you into contact with feelings and experiences that you have suppressed, denied, judged, exiled, ignored, and avoided. This contact is not meant to hurt you, but rather to allow you to be more fully present and aware of the complexities of your heart and your soul so you can walk in greater alignment with your truth.

There is no denying that we are admist great change as a collective. All change, especially dramatic changes, come with enormous fears and challenges, no matter how potentially postive the change could be. If you find yourself fearing the future and those fears populate your internal realms when you are asleep, this workshop is for you.

To rise up to this moment, we need to build our courage. To build courage, we need to face our fears. 

So I offer this space for anyone who feels challenged by repetitive dreams of horror, despair, flashbacks, or just scary, anxiety-producing scenarios. These dreams can sometimes boggle the mind because they are either so distant or so similar to our real-life experiences. Know that it is extremely common to have challenging dreams in one way or another, as humans all share the tendency to avoid pain and fear.  Together, we will practice becoming well resourced and holding space for the challenging embodied feelings that arise from dreams. In this way we will allow the deep medicine of our bad dreams to make contact with our hearts.

In facing deep internal fears, we find the courage to act in ways that manifest our wildest dreams–both personal and collective.

We are so much stronger than our minds will ever know. Our hearts are the seat of courage & the throne of love–there is nothing contained within us that can not be redeemed in the waters of compassion. But compassion is a hard energy to hold. Let’s meet up and practice in shared, intentional space, using the deep wisdom of our “bad” dreams as a guide.




About Me & the Space

My intentions within this space align with values of trauma-informed care, including choice, collaboration, trustworthiness/transparency, and empowerment. My hope is that this space will be able to bring you into a more rich and reciprocal relationship with your dreams that will help you to metabolize their medicine in a way that feels healing and transformative for you. 

I have been working with my own dreams since 2009 and the dreams of others in 1:1 and group containers since 2013. I recently completed my master’s in counseling with coursework in somatic counseling, ecopsychology, and social justice. I completed my internship an in-patient psychiatric facility and continue to work with high-acuity patients. Previous to my master’s and ongoing, I have a committed study and practice of shamanic, animistic, and earth-based practices indigenous to so-called north and south america. I have completed in-depth studies with teachers from the Wixarika and Toltec traditions.

Bad Dreams Good Medicine
Price: $ 17.00
A recording of the first 45min-1hr of the workshop will be made available. Time will be allotted during the in-person workshop for folks to share and ask questions in a non-recorded space.