Dreams About Blocked Communication
Have you ever had trouble speaking or communicating in a dream? This type of dream can take a variety of forms--whether you are attempting to use your cell phone and it just won't work, dreams where calls you are being dropped or garbled, or even dreams where you have...

Dreams About Cars
Dreams about cars, dreams about driving, dreams about having brakes that don’t work--this is a common dream motif that arises for most dreamers at one point another. It makes a lot of sense in this society and culture, where many of us spend at least 1-2 hours a day...

Dreams of the Past w/ Emmy van Swaaij
The other day I had a conversation with Emmy van Swaaij, an interpreter for the deaf and deafblind who has one of the most unique stories about her dreams that I have ever heard. Join in to our conversation to learn how her dreams led her on a very unique journey,...

My Four Foundational Dream Principles
One of the things that has always captivated me about dreams is how incredibly subjective they are. There’s truly very little we can say for “sure” about dreams, simply because the dreaming state and dream experience is so specific to each person. And anyone who has...

Confronting Addiction and Healing Trauma w/ Nathaniel V. Dust
It's such a pleasure and honor to be sharing with all of you this conversation I had last week with Nathaniel V. Dust, a breathwork practitioner and substance use counselor based in Los Angeles who has also been on a journey with his dreams for many years. We got to...