Dreams for One or Two?
A credo that I live by is that no one can ever understand your dreams better than you.

The Dream Caravan 2015
Whew. It is hard to believe that is has been two weeks since the first Dream Caravan in New Orleans, LA. For those of you that weren’t there or have no idea what I’m talking about, the Dream Caravan was an event that took place in New Orleans over the weekend of...

Why I Believe In My Dreams. Literally.
I know for myself there is no study or experiment that could ever prove to me that my dreams don’t have any meaning.

Dream Caravan Feedback
Thank you so much for attending the Dream Caravan! Your participation means so much--and so does your feedback. If you complete this survey, please include your address so I can mail you your FREE copy of the print zine, Laws of the Dream Realm. It's a great way to...
3 Laws of the Dream Realm
I'm so glad you're ready to invigorate your relationship to your dreams. It's a tremendous step that can have powerful effects for years to come. Remember to take your time and be patient, tender, and curious as you begin this journey. Dreams are a powerful medicine...