Are you looking for online dreamwork, dream therapy or Natural Dreamwork with Kezia Vida? You’ve come to the right place!

Your dreams are calling to you every night…are you ready to listen? 

Get my Daily Dream Pages, a unique dream journaling format that will quickly and efficiently demonstrate a whole new way of connecting with your dream knowledge. Or, if you are struggling with challenging, recurring, or ‘bad’ dreams, snag my free guided journey that will give you the tools you need to glean the wisdom from those dream states. 

READY TO GO DEEPER? Check out my 1 on 1 offerings by clicking here!  

Join me for an upcoming dream + creativity retreat where we will dwell in the opportunities our dreams provide us to be in the presence of unconditional love. I’ll be teaming up with Kim Wayman who will integrate techniques from the Jewish Studio Project to create artistic expressions and explorations of our dream space. Click here to learn more! 

Ready to Kickstart Your Dream Practice?

Then you need a powerful dream journal. The Dreaming I a unique and interactive journal that helps you realize your dream practice goals through a unique 3-pronged approach of RECORD, EXPLORE, & REFLECT.

Latest News

5 Ways Your Dream Can Support You

5 Ways Your Dream Can Support You

One of the things I love most about dreams is how unique each and every one of them is. Everyone experiences their dreams in slightly different ways, and thus dreams have a nearly infinite array of uses and applications. Dreams can inspire you to create art, show you...

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Dreams About Blocked Communication

Dreams About Blocked Communication

Have you ever had trouble speaking or communicating in a dream? This type of dream can take a variety of forms--whether you are attempting to use your cell phone and it just won't work, dreams where calls you are being dropped or garbled, or even dreams where you have...

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Dreams About Cars

Dreams About Cars

Dreams about cars, dreams about driving, dreams about having brakes that don’t work--this is a common dream motif that arises for most dreamers at one point another. It makes a lot of sense in this society and culture, where many of us spend at least 1-2 hours a day...

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