Dreams About Water : Entering To The Flow
The reality is, feelings, when deeply felt, move. For when we allow ourselves to be fully immersed in our internal feeling state, we are tapping into a deeper river of felt experience, a river that naturally flows. When we tap into the natural rhythm of our own experience, we become students at the feet of our deepest and most self-evident truth—the way we are feeling at any given moment.

Healing Without Harm
How do we engage in healing work with others without harming them? How do we hold spiritual leaders accountable? What could the new way be?

Sacred Psychology & The Healing Path: Interview w/ Dr. Kat Coder
Have you ever had a conversation with someone where they said all the things that roll around in your mind, in a much more articulate and heartfelt way than you ever could? Well, that's what my conversation with Dr. Kat Coder was like! I am so excited to share it with...

Dreams About Bugs: Healing Shame
What does it mean when you dream about bugs? Find out what your insect dreams could be revealing about healing shame.

Dreaming of True Love
Release yourself from the trap of expecting others to make you feel loved and a whole new way of being in relationship can start.