Are you looking for online dreamwork, dream therapy or Natural Dreamwork with Kezia Vida? You’ve come to the right place!
Your dreams are calling to you every night…are you ready to listen?
Get my Daily Dream Pages, a unique dream journaling format that will quickly and efficiently demonstrate a whole new way of connecting with your dream knowledge. Or, if you are struggling with challenging, recurring, or ‘bad’ dreams, snag my free guided journey that will give you the tools you need to glean the wisdom from those dream states.
READY TO GO DEEPER? Check out my 1 on 1 offerings by clicking here!
Join me for an upcoming dream + creativity retreat where we will dwell in the opportunities our dreams provide us to be in the presence of unconditional love. I’ll be teaming up with Kim Wayman who will integrate techniques from the Jewish Studio Project to create artistic expressions and explorations of our dream space. Click here to learn more!
Ready to Kickstart Your Dream Practice?
Then you need a powerful dream journal. The Dreaming I a unique and interactive journal that helps you realize your dream practice goals through a unique 3-pronged approach of RECORD, EXPLORE, & REFLECT.
Latest News
The Precious Gift of Nightmares
This is why I have come to believe that nightmares are in fact precious gifts, precise and strong medicine for the heart that has hardened and the eyes that have glazed over. In the nightmare, we deeply experience the part of ourselves that we have lost, sometimes in an exact recreation of the moment we lost it.
Dreams About Water : Entering To The Flow
The reality is, feelings, when deeply felt, move. For when we allow ourselves to be fully immersed in our internal feeling state, we are tapping into a deeper river of felt experience, a river that naturally flows. When we tap into the natural rhythm of our own experience, we become students at the feet of our deepest and most self-evident truth—the way we are feeling at any given moment.
Healing Without Harm
How do we engage in healing work with others without harming them? How do we hold spiritual leaders accountable? What could the new way be?