Your Dreams Aren’t Weird: They Challenge Your Ego
Almost everyone has had the experience of waking up from a dream and thinking, now that was really weird! But weirdness is relative. If you compare your dream experiences to your waking life, of course your dreams are strange. In waking life, time moves forward, space...
Your Dreams Love You: An Interview w/ Katherine Bell of The Dream Journal on KSQD
Click above to hear the interview! I couldn't be more excited to be sharing with you an interview I did with Experiential Dreamwork practitioner Katherine Bell for her new show on Santa Cruz community radio, The Dream Journal. In the conversation, we talk about how to...
Daring to Dream
Daring to Dream: Facing Extinction I recently read Catherine Ingram’s piece Facing Extinction. I was not familiar with her work before I read it. It inspired me greatly, and as things that inspire me often do, it irked me. When I read something I barely agree with it...
Behind the Scenes: The Dreaming I v.2.22
About a month ago, The Dreaming I v. 2 was published. I can say without a doubt it’s the most excited I’ve been about anything I’ve created. My deepest hope is that this journal can spread far and wide a truly inspire individuals to begin a relationship with their...
Dreams About House: Finding Home
Dreams About Home Do you dream of house? Do you have dreams about houses, dreams about homes, dreams of new house? It’s probably no big wonder, since we spend so much time in our life inside of our homes or inside other people’s houses, that we end up dreaming about...