Dreams About Home
Do you dream of house? Do you have dreams about houses, dreams about homes, dreams of new house?
It’s probably no big wonder, since we spend so much time in our life inside of our homes or inside other people’s houses, that we end up dreaming about houses. Sometimes, the setting of the house does not register much, it can simply fade into the background as the action of the dream takes place.
But other times, the house, the home, the physical space that you are in during the dream takes center stage of your dream experience, and the space is one of the most impactful sensory experiences of the dream.
Feeling At Home
Ideally, our home is the place where we feel…well…at home. It took me about five years of doing dreamwork with people to recognize what a deep feeling it is to feel at home, although we don’t always have the words to recognize and name it. One my favorite dreamworkers, Toko-pa Turner’s does a good job of putting her finger on the word for it in her recent book Belonging. To me, the feeling, the deep felt experience of feeling at home, is very intertwined with a sense of belonging.
It is an essential human need to feel at home in the world, in our own personal worlds of our own making, and of course ultimately, to feel at home in our bodies. Our bodies in this sense are the homes of our being, the physical place where always find ourselves, being.
These are all senses of “home” that can be useful to consider when you are feeling into a dream about houses. In your dream about a house, how did you feel being there? How did that feeling compare to how you feel inside of your own house? Or inside of your own body?
If there is tension or conflict between you and the space you find yourself in, your dream may be asking you to linger with that tension a little bit longer. Where does that kind of conflict arise in your day to day life?
Common Dreams About House
One of the most common themes in dreams about houses is one of expansion. A dreamer once came to me with a dream where she was in her current apartment. She opened the door to her closet and all of the sudden, her apartment had doubled in size. The house was suddenly so much larger than she ever thought. If you had a dream like this, allow yourself to fully receive the gift the dream is giving you of experiencing an inner expansion. Does resistance come up when you try to feel this? What is its nature?
It can be a struggle to feel like it is okay to be our full selves in the world for numerous legitimate reasons. Dreams about houses give us the opportunity to practice feeling at home inside of ourselves, or be aware that this feeling is lacking. Dreams where our homes expand suddenly help us recognize that we often have much more space to be ourselves in our lives than we realize.
In another version of this theme, the dreamer finds themselves in a house that is completely foreign to them–although they do quite like all of its design. Sometimes, a conflict can arise here–a feeling like they do not belong in the home, they are trespassing, or that the house is simply “too much”, even though a part of them likes it.
In these dreams, the dreamer is invited to consider whether they have feelings of unworthiness that keep them from receiving the gifts of belonging that are our natural birthright. The reality is, each and every one of us, regardless of our shape or form, were born on this earth. This world is our home as long as we are breathing and our hearts are beating.
Feeling At Home In Ourselves
The sense of discomfort and disconnection that we can often have between ourselves and our external worlds–a sense of lacking home, a home base, a place to come back to–can be a powerfully driving force. Some spend their entire lives roaming from place to place, seeking a sense of at home that actually can’t be achieved until they explore what is keeping them from feeling at home inside of themselves.
Of course, because of the vast and incredibly varied nature of dreams, your dreams about house could be of a very different nature. Sometimes, the house we grew up in or were familiar is burning or being destroyed, which can indicate a whole host of things depending on the circumstance. If you want to go deeper with a dream you’ve had recently, click here to learn about my Natural Dreamwork therapy sessions. They are the best way I know to deeply harvest the wisdom and transformative power of the dream you had last night.
Happy dreaming and I would love to hear your dreams about house below!
Kezia Vida

I’ll often dream of my childhood home in the country, which I still visit to this day. The dreams of this place are so in depth, peculiar, modified from reality, but also, I feel most comfortable there. I rarely seem to dream about my own current home in the city, perhaps it’s too noisy here, too many beings in one place? I absolutely adore dreaming about my old hometown and travelling around on bicycle and stopping back in to my mum and dads to see everyone there. Often there are parties, with people whom have been a significant part of my life. These dreams are such therapy for my mind and heart. In other dreams I’ve experienced old broken houses, houses still under construction, or houses so impossibly small, I cannot get in, or out.