A little over a month ago, one of my teachers and dear friends spoke at the First Unitarian Universalist Church here in New Orleans under the topic: Let’s Get Real. Sitting in the pews with some of my nearest and dearest spiritual community, the reality of what church has been for so many was crystallized through his words…as well as a vision for what church could become. John has taught me so much about what community can mean, about how easy it can actually be to show that you care, to be vulnerable and open even in a world and a time when that may seem foolish or short-sighted.
So I hope you enjoy this recording of his talk, and can take the time to just allow the words to touch into your heart. And of course I would love to hear any and all comments and feedback you may have—and I know John would appreciate the same. He is now working with Sivani to create a more consistent presence in the New Orleans area, creating a space for people to come together without dogma or judgment and honor the spirit of unconditional love that vibrates through all.